Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Something to Consider...

Just something for you all to think about during the election tomorrow...

The Coming American Matriarchy

Quick summary: Wommen are smarter than men. Fact.

Article excerpt:
            "Women will not rule men. But they will lead. Think about this: Not only do girls study harder and get better grades than boys; high school girls now take more math and science than do high school boys. If there is a "weaker sex," it isn't female."   


  1. Brandon, I think you need to take a basic statistics course. Your "fact" only refers to women and men on a whole in the population. Your blanket statement ignores the vast variation in intelligence from individual to individual. And actually, your article doesn't really make the conclusion you claim it makes. What the article says is that women will outnumber men in bachelors degrees at a 3:2 ratio in the near future. This is merely a claim about average level of education, not necessarily intelligence (something that is devilishly difficult to measure). Furthermore, the claim about high school math and science is cute but doesn't even come close to representing the actual ratios of women to men in the sciences. For example women only make up 12% of physicists and only 17% of American Mathematical Society members (within the united states).

    While it is the case that the percentage of women getting graduate degrees is increasing this article does not address whether or not women will outnumber men at the graduate school level.

    Politi-Fact Check meter: half-true.
