Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Election Tomorrow

Dear Friends of SRP 431,

As you have been made very aware, the election for our class leader takes place tomorrow, November 1.  Since Nathan Holman: Philosopher King and Jared Good: Guardian of Students, Protector of Grades, Defender of Justice, and Vanquisher of Final have both made virtual appearances, I felt I too must represent myself.

I would prefer to speak with you all in person on Thursday rather than through the impersonal methods of a blog, but I still would like to take this time to ask one thing of each of you.  As with many elections, I am sure you have a proclivity towards a certain candidate.  Before you cast your vote on Thursday, however, please consider all candidates equally.  Do not view this as begging for your consideration, for it is not.  I only want to set the tone for this election, for it to be as fair as possible and honestly represent the interests of the class.  No matter which candidate is elected, Nathan Holman, Jared Good, or me, the class will be under competent leadership.

Thank you for reading this and thank you for your time.

Best Regards,

Gloria Larson


  1. I disagree with this completely.

    1. you've made an interesting ploy by spamming every blog that wasn't Jared's with your note of disapproval (assuming that is what you were attempting to do)

      it is somewhat effective at first and not a bad idea (though shallow, since you never specify any reasoning), but anyone who sees more than one of this same post under the same screenname will see right through it
