There has been a lot said in this campaign trail, and things are really heating up as we near election time. I know that I have said some things that were unbecoming of a fellow candidate, and I also know that Nate as some things unbecoming of a fellow candidate as well. He has said that I am for grade inflation. That is not true, as a future educator I know first hand the importance and self-satisfaction of earning every percentage you get. I don't have an A in this class, and that is ok. I am proud of my grade, and I will continue to work hard to raise my level of work. I want everyone to do well, and I want everyone to continue to push themselves to achieve more. This concept of pushing yourself is exactly what the Jesuit value of Magis means. I am also a realist and know that we, as a community need to help each other. Through hard work, determination, and cooperation we can achieve high grades. This concept of working together also alines itself to the Jesuit value of Men and Women for and with others. I am continually using this values to guide me in my campaign. I want you to vote for me so that we can continue to strive for more, but also build a web of support so that none of us falter in this final year of our college education. I state my regret for what was said early on in my campaign, and I truly wish I had not use those tactics. I have mislead you, and maybe even betrayed your trust. I, however, am not one to admit when I am wrong, and I am willing to make amends for my actions. It is with this in mind that I set out on a journey. I took to the streets and I met personally with those who powers supersede those of any candidates. I went to both Dr. Crist and Dr. Dugan, and together paved the way for redemption. Now my colleagues it is time you voiced your thoughts. What do you want in a leader, what do you want from me so that I can use my connections with the powers that be, to make this a successful and fun class for you?
Jared Good
Guardian of Students,
Protector of Grades,
Defender of Justice,
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