Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Lies and Deceit on the Campaign Trail

My fellow classmates,

      After Jared's first post I decided to investigate his claim of having single handedly worked to have an alleged final exam removed from the syllabus. If true, I would have certainly considered throwing my support for his candidacy as he would have proven himself a leader without prompt. In the pursuit of the truth, I emailed Professors Crist and Dugan and asked the the following questions:

"As an inquisitive denizen and candidate of our upcoming election for class Philosopher King (I find the term Dictator to leave a rancid taste to the mouth), I would like to know, on the record, the veracity of his claims. Is it the case that Jared Good convinced you to remove a final exam? If not, did such an exam ever exist on the syllabus?"

Dr. Crist responded quite cogently:

"We have not had a final in this class for the last 5 iterations. He's going Romney on you."

Do we really want a leader who is willing lie to get power? Or do we want a leader who is willing to listen and contemplate what needs to be done. As candidate for Philosopher King, I promise to act as a man of sound principles and do what is necessary, not what is poll tested. I will not offer empty promises of grade inflation nor make attacks on a person based on the cogent analysis of one of his or her advisors. Rather, I will stick what my opponents have actually said or done, not some straw man version of their platform. 

Thank you for taking time to read this public service. As always, if you lend me your voice, I will lend you my ear.

Philosopher King Candidate,
Nathan Holman

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