Thursday, November 1, 2012

My general thoughts

My fellow colleagues,
 First of all, All Hail the Glorious light of exalted Queen Gloria, As I look back and reread the blog post. This is the only reaction I have to the overall race in general

Jared Good
The self-proclaimed Phoenix King 


  1. I have to say I just looked for the like button on blogger...whoops. It's Friday!!

    I feel as though elections are currently consuming my life, and it isn’t necessarily a good thing. As for what swayed my vote, I’ve never been a loud or very outspoken person. I tend to vote for people who I can relate too. I’m not saying this is good, but people that I can personally relate to. Whether it is through my interests, personality or passions, I tend to sway for similarity rather than differences. I’ve experienced the range of various types of elections. In the past 2 weeks I’ve been a part of yesterdays class elections, to presidential to sorority elections. It has been interesting to be the voting only side. I am currently in a position in my sorority that I run elections. I can’t go into detail but it I just wonder how voting would be different if we changed up our systems and ways of counting ballots. I think it is really interesting how individuals can lose the popular vote, yet still win in other means of voting. It brings up which means of voting is “right” or “most valid” and this is where a struggle. I have no idea; I would originally say just the straight vote or popular vote. But after looking at the various results I’m not sure that would be the best way. As we discussed in the previous class that would give everyone who voted an equal say but what happens about the states with higher or lower percentages of people voting. YIKES. Anyways it has been interesting to see how the “winner” can change between the different types of systems used. I really have never looked at the mathematical differences between them. After watching this video too it remind me of why I don't enjoy elections. I'm not a person who argues or enjoys arguing. The idea to try to outsmart and out compete each other is not enjoyable for me. I also feel like elections can be a whole heck of a lot of talk and not much action. Anyways, after these few weeks I am very excited for every election process to be completed. one down, two to go.

  2. I wasn't too sure where we were supposed to write our thoughts about the election, so I will just post it under here...
    First off, Jared was the first person to approach me. He played the "I know you and you don't really know the others..." card. I thought that was quite interesting because he tried to make me feel comfortable with him and give a feeling that he was on my side. As the days went on and the posts on the blog came up, that's when I really started to not like it. This side of politics is really what gets me. I don't like when people feel the need to slander the other opponents. They can tell what the other is doing wrong without giving the impression of trying to ruin their opponent. I am not saying this is what anyone did for anyone else, but it just comes off that way in my opinion.
    Now coming into class, Gloria impressed me because she came up to me, offered candy like she did with everyone else, BUT she said my name. That shocked me because I have never talked to her before, yet it felt like she took the time to know who she was running for. This made me feel, again, like they were trying to run for me personally. I think that personable factor is what really would sway my vote for either candidate.
    The speeches were funny and I thought the way that Gloria answered her questions were really good. Jared's video made me laugh, yet it still kept me interested and made me see a fun side yet serious side to his presentation. Overall, I was not a set voter on number one as in some points of the voting process, I voted for Gloria, and the other parts were Jared. I thought both of them were good and I just couldn't decide in the end.
    The results were very interesting and thought this was quite an interesting and fun exercise to do in class.

  3. The one part that stuck out for me in the election was the fact that Gloria won the Borda vote but not the straight vote. In fact, she was last in the straight vote. This must mean that she may have not gotten a good majority of the first place votes in the Borda, but rather a lack of third place votes. At least it can be assumed that she had less third place votes than her two competitors that finished after her.

    If this is in fact true, I believe this result illustrates the fact that Gloria did not alienate herself as the "one not to vote for." She did not offend anyone with how she campaigned, and was not overly ambitious in asking for votes. In her blog post, she did not advocate for herself but rather advocated for the consideration of everybody equally.

    Another cause of the Borda vote could be not what Gloria did not do, but what her competitors did. The other two candidates engaged in direct dialogue with each other. In some cases it was criticism and in others it was downright slander. Nathan may have alienated himself to third place votes in the Borda by directly stating flaws for both candidates. With die-hart Gloria and Jared supporters, this may not have set well. It was a gamble because this direct criticism could have also swayed undecided voters, resulting in Nathan getting more votes in the straight voting scheme.

    I will say the effort that Jared put into his media promotions was a influence in my decisions. It definitely helped counteract some of my doubts with his credibility after the common grammar mistakes that flooded his blog posts.

  4. The election's results were interesting in their varied results. In the Borda vote Gloria received 45 points, Nathan 38 points, and Jared 44 points. In the straight vote Gloria came in last place with 6 votes, Nate had 7 votes and Jared 8. Gloria was preferred over both Jared and Nathan.

    This is interesting to see that some one who received the least amount of votes in straight voting but won in the other two methods of voting.

    Gloria's campaign was much different then that of Jared and Nate. She did not post a large number of blog post nor send out e-mails. She had one post with a simple message, let the best candidate win. She did not bash the other candidates directly. However, some one her campaigning team took care of that for her with his female superiority blog post. This allowed her to not alienate herself as the candidate not to vote for.

    Therefore, in the election I believe students either preferred Nste or Jared. When this occurred it allowed Gloria two be the the clear second choice. In the Borda voting it took in consideration who you liked the most and the least. It left room for a middle candidate to succeed.

    I wonder what would happen if we used the Borda vote for the presidential elections. I believe it would allow for more of the third party candidates, the Green or Libertarian party candidates, to have more of a force in elections. This may however give them nonrepresentational power.

  5. I really enjoyed the election. It was fun to see how excited the candidates got about the election before they even knowing what being class dictator might entail. I was most impressed with Jared’s campaign outside of class. I tutored high school kids with Jared after school on Tuesday, and he was so excited about the whole thing, he was even campaigning to them. I ran into Jared and Will on the mall on Wednesday and they interviewed me for the film, although I guess I didn’t quite make the cut and my clip was not included in Jared’s election video. Jared was dressed to impress all week long, and each time I ran into him he would make sure to emphasize how important my vote was to him. Nate was also very excited about the whole campaign and election. I did not happen to run into him as many times as I ran into Jared, but Nate did approach me in the library commons on Wednesday to make a personal appeal for my vote. Nate’s campaign focused on addressing the issues that had arisen. He is very well-spoken and would have made a good leader as well. I ended up having the privilege of witnessing a real-live debate between Jared and Nate in the library commons that day, as they argued heatedly about which candidate was more deserving of a vote. I did not happen to run into Gloria on the campaign trail, but I was impressed by her poise. She carried herself very well and did not let herself get caught up in all of the emotions that were running wild between the other two candidates. It was definitely interesting to see how the strategy of remaining neutral proved to be superior strategy in an election based on rank. Jared and Nate were both aggressive in their campaigns, and so as a result they received either a rank of one or a rank of three. Gloria was then able to surpass them by accumulating a large number of second place votes.

  6. I really enjoyed the election. I felt as though it was most of a repeat of plurality in who was running. It reminded me of how Lincoln won his presidency because there were two other runners from the democratic party, thus splitting the democratic votes among both candidates. I felt like that was exactly what was happening in this election. Jared and Nate were pitting against each other, while Gloria just sat back and let it happen. Anyone who wanted either Jared or Nate, would vote against the candidate they wanted least of the two, thus putting Gloria at the top. Since I was sick when the candidates were being chosen, I only had this blog to go off of who was running. Not until the post about more women graduates came up did I wonder if there was a third and female candidate. Now that Gloria has won, all I hope is that she is able to do her job well.

  7. I liked this election! I thought it was fun to see Mr. Holman and Mr. Good go back and forth on the blogs. In terms of the actual election though, I did not realize there were so many different ways one could win an election. After all, I just assumed that we were all going to vote for the class favorite, but it seemed as though in the three different voting types, the rankings didn't seem consistent with one another. However, I'm fine with that as it only goes to show that sometimes the winner isn't always the most popular choice (like the presidential election).
